
This research note analyzes the potential drivers of India’s growth for the next decade from 2023 to 2032, namely investment, labour and TFP growth. Using the Long Term Growth Model , built by the World Bank based upon the Solow-Swan growth model, we estimate India can increase its potential growth rate to 6.7% in the base case over the next decade, through a combination of increased labor participation and investment rate. For India to grow at an even faster pace of 8%+ over the next ten years, increasing LFPR and TFP growth is going to be important. According to our estimates, a combination of: a) LFPR and investment rates increasing to previous peak levels, and b) TFP growth rate of 3% (vs. average 2.5% over 2011-19), could together increase potential growth to 8.2% (average) over the next decade.

Figure 1: Improvement in TFP is required to sustain growth rates above 8% for the next 10 years

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